
We are all aware of the impact the Covid pandemic had on human lives, but have we considered its ripple effects on stray animals? Petooti is a Dubai-based organization involved in rescuing stray animals. They find injured animals and take them to vets for treatment. The pandemic significantly impacted their funding, consequently hindering their ability to carry out their vital work.

Human creativity shines brightly in times of crisis. Petooti embarked on a novel revenue stream by partnering with Skills3 to train furloughed Filipino women to sew fabric masks. Amid the pandemic peak, Skills3 provided sewing machines, materials, and fabric to the women, conducting training through a blend of patterns, stage samples, Zoom check-ins, and WhatsApp chats. This initiative not only provided income to the women but also contributed to public health by producing masks to curb the pandemic, with profits directed towards treating injured animals. A triple win! The project resulted in the creation of over 6,000 face masks and generated 125,000 DHS (34,000 USD) to alleviate Petooti’s outstanding vet bills for rescuing, trapping, and neutering strays.