Sharing Solutions
Social Impact
Social Impact

Skill Transfer Programmes

We design and conduct craft-based training and sewing workshops for women in displaced and disadvantaged communities in the Middle East & North Africa to help empower them with viable and sustainable solutions for their own livelihood

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Corporate Social Responsibility

We design and conduct craft-based training and sewing workshops for women in displaced and disadvantaged communities in the Middle East & North Africa to help empower them with viable and sustainable solutions for their own livelihood

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Brand Partnerships

We welcome brand partners who seek our creative expertise and are interested in the art of sewing and creating unique craft-based activities to complement their corporate/marketing programs.

Brother Sewing Logo


Based in Dubai, UAE, Skills 3 is a social enterprise started by two women founders. Therese Tsui and Carla Bygrave.

Both armed with a passion for sewing and entrepreneurship, their goal was pretty simple – to share their skills with disadvantage women and create a sustainable solution for them towards rebuilding their livelihood.

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